My brain has been clouded with all the thoughts and feelings this week.
I’ve been angry, frustrated, disheartened, mournful, grieved, heartbroken, confused, to name a few.
I think the worlds current state of affairs is justifying of such reactions. Maybe your own state of affairs is warranting of that reaction too.
I am quick to shake my fist, point my finger, and rant for justice on many issues…especially personally.
“If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.”
Romans 12:18
Some may say peace in light of current circumstances is laughable. Maybe everyone around you is telling you that peace in light of your current circumstances is a joke. I will agree that at times, it’s not possible (thus the “as far as it depends on you”) part. I think that if instead of dismissing the idea of peace and viewing it as an unreasonable aspiration, we fought to the pursue it…LISTENING and LOVING, the world would be a different place.
Maybe my hometown wouldn’t be covered in a cloud of smoke.
Maybe bombs wouldn’t be flying.
Maybe Christian stores wouldn’t blacklist brothers and sisters in Christ.
Maybe we wouldn’t still be bitter and angry. At that person, our family, the church, or ourselves.
We make choices of whether we add fuel to the flame, or buckets of water in how we talk to others, in what we chase around in our heads, in what we post, and in what we retweet. I am for information, and awareness, but we have to ask ourselves if what we are sharing or dwelling on is working toward peace, solutions, awareness, and love, or if it’s enraging, frustrating, divisive, combative and embittering.
After I typed that I had to reread it several times. Preaching to myself.
As much as I may want justice for myself, for others, for people groups, there is only one who is Judge.
“The Lord works righteousness and justice for all who are oppressed.”
Psalm 103:6
“And will not God give justice to His elect, who cry to him day and night? Will he delay long over them?”
Luke 18:7
There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?”
James 4:12
“Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.”
Romans 12:19
He is fighting on our behalf.
I want to clarify, I am not saying sit by in silence and do nothing, waiting for the Lord to avenge! Fight, advocate, alert, reconcile, confront…but “so far as it depends on you, live peaceably…”. We can peaceably fight and protest. We can advocate for freedom while being peaceful. We can speak against wrong and evil in a peaceful way. I think a big part in doing this is to act in love while being mindful of the fact that we aren’t judge and jury.
My thoughts and feelings yesterday were more hopeful, grateful.
While in the last few days there have still been rants and divisiveness in my social media feeds, I have also seen pictures and posts of people and friends serving and loving my hometown well. Friends organizing days of prayer for oppressed people groups. People giving, supporting and encouraging. Others lifting their voices for those who have lost the ability to use theirs. People pursuing peace, for themselves, for friends, for others, for a city, and for a country. Love is the only thing that can help us live in peace. I’m grateful for so many who are loving well in the pursuit of peace, and hope I can be counted among their ranks.