Things I am thankful for after one week home:
- friends
- friends that set up meal trains for us
- friends that sign up and bring dinner for us
- friends that bring breakfast and lunch for us
- friends that bring wine
- friends that bring wine and cheese
- friends that take my older kids
- friends that give us gift cards so we don’t have to cook on the weekend
- friends that check in and are encouraging
- friends that don’t care when I don’t get back to them
- family that doesn’t care when I don’t get back to them
- a husband that gets up in the night with crying kids
- a husband that plays with kids
- a husband who doesn’t care what I look like when he gets home
- a husband who my partner is this crazy gig
- an amazing babysitter
- an incredible team of doctors and dentists
- a great report from all those doctors and dentists with 90% of the tests in
- that we don’t have any expected appointments with doctors for a month
- sleep
- drugs
- a video monitor
- chick-fil-a
- coffee
- online shopping
- amazom prime
- the she reads truth app
- tv
- video games
- bath toys that allow me a shower
- kleenex
- grace
I’ve cried a lot of tears this first week, and I’m not a crier. BUT we’ve survived. And at the end of the week we are already finding patterns and rhythms of normalcy. Things are settling down and we are figuring out what we can and cannot do. We are almost back to being fully healthy, which seriously has made all the difference, and jet lag is behind us. I’m giving myself a lot of grace for mishaps and failures and irritability.
And I’m really looking forward to a full week that has normal things in it, and not a week full of appointments. I’m looking forward to getting out some more and having my house back to normal. And normal bedtimes and wake ups and normal mealtimes. And normalcy across the board. Because it turns out when everything is flipped on its head, and you are in another completely different culture for a few weeks, what you really crave is normalcy.
I’m so very grateful to the crew that has carried us through this first week home. May I be as big a blessing to others as they have been to me during this journey!